Social & Behaviour Change Communication

Behaviour change is vital for the efficacy of nutrition programmes. Since food habits and child-feeding practices are deeply entrenched in tradition and cultural norms, RajPusht includes a holistic Social and Behaviour Change Communication (SBCC) strategy to create a conducive environment for mothers to adhere to the recommended dietary and child-feeding practices. The primary target of our SBCC interventions are pregnant and lactating women and their husbands, followed by mothers-in-law, other family members and the larger community.

Rajpusht Initiative

We are working with the Government of Rajasthan to implement these SBCC measures under Indira Gandhi Matritva Poshan Yojana:

Counselling by RajPusht’s POSHAN Champions
At Home

RajPusht has 220 field workers known as POSHAN Champions (PCs). They monitor mothers and children during the crucial 1,000 days of a child’s life (from conception to 2 years of age). They counsel every member of the family during home visits and act as a bridge between women and frontline workers. Through PCs, RajPusht ensures that every woman and child in the community monitored for appropriate weight gain.

Counselling by Community Health Workers
On Maternal & Child Health & Nutrition (MCHN) days

Held once a month, MCHN days become a crucial touchpoint in the 1,000-day journey as community health workers such as Auxiliary Nurse Midwives (ANMs) and Anganwadi Workers provide a range of healthcare services: ante-natal checkups, immunisation, supplements, etc. RajPusht has built the capacities of these workers to ensure that they provide targeted counselling around nutrition, prevailing myths and taboos, and awareness around government schemes on on MCHN days.

Community Mobilisation
At the Village Level

RajPusht is working with the National Health Mission in Rajasthan to activate Village Health, Sanitation & Nutrition Committees and use them as a platform for monthly meetings to mobilise communities for better nutrition. It has introduced the proven technique of Participatory Learning & Action (PLA) to engage communities to collectively identify and prioritise maternal and child nutrition issues.

Wall Paintings
In Community Spaces

RajPusht has used the medium of wall paintings and posters in community spaces, Anganwadi Centres and other prominent locations. These bust dietary myths and taboos and serve as a visual communication aid in places where people might not have access to mass media or other information sources.

Digital Media Campaigns

Studies identify men as a primary stakeholder in maternal nutrition and wellbeing. However, most programmes fail to influence them for necessary participation in maternal and childcare. RajPusht has extensively used social media platforms to reach out to men in the regions we operate in through engaging campaigns that provide information in an entertaining way. Main Bhi Bahubali is RajPusht's recent digital campaign.