Pradhan Mantri Matru Vandana Yojana

Pradhan Mantri Matru Vandana Yojana (PMMVY) is the Government of India's direct benefit transfer scheme for first-time mothers. Under PMMVY, pregnant and lactating women receive Rs 5,000 in three instalments on fulfilling conditions that promote healthcare-seeking behaviour, such as early registration of pregnancy, antenatal care and child immunisation.

The scheme seeks to provide partial compensation for the wage loss a mother has to face to take rest before and after the child's delivery.


RajPusht's PMMVY Support

Phase 1
January 2018 – January 2020

  • Established a state-level Technical Support Unit for continuous monitoring of PMMVY across Rajasthan
  • Placed District Implementation Support Managers at the Office of the Deputy Director, Integrated Child Development Services, in each of the state's 33 districts
  • Developed an incentive structure to motivate community health workers to enroll eligible women, resulting in Rajasthan becoming the first state to institutionalise incentives

Phase 2
June 2020 onwards

  • Provide PMMVY-related technical assistance in five districts of Rajasthan: Baran, Banswara, Dungarpur, Pratapgarh and Udaipur
  • Focus on intensive Social & Behaviour Change Communication to enhance PMMVY coverage and use of cash for improved maternal nutrition