
Coffee Table Book

Nurturing Champions - Inspiring Tales of Maternal and Child Nutrition Success

The Coffee table book Nurturing Champions features inspiring tales of maternal and child nutrition success from the beneficiaries, their caregivers and field level workers from five RajPusht districts of Rajasthan.

RajPusht Compilation

RajPushtika - Of Rajasthan's Mothers and Children

RajPusht – of Rajasthan Mother and Children is a compilation of stories from the field featured in the monthly newsletter - RajPushtika, brought under RajPusht since last 2 years.

Insights Brief

A Little More: Infant & Young Child Feeding Knowledge, Myths and Practices

The brief explores Infant & Young Child Feeding practices in Baran, Banswara, Dungarpur, Pratapgarh and Udaipur districts of Rajasthan and shares recommendations on how to improve these.

Policy Brief

Strategic Policy Adaptations to Mitigate Covid-19's Impact on Maternal & Child Health Services in Rajasthan

The policy brief is based on a study conducted in Baran, Jhunjhunu, Jodhpur and Udaipur districts of Rajasthan

Research Study

The Sociocultural Drivers of Food Choices: Formative Research among Pregnant and Lactating Women in Rajasthan

An analysis by Kantar TNS of dietary habits, media consumption, gender relations and stakeholders to develop an effective intervention for pregnant women and new mothers combining cash transfers with Social & Behaviour Change Communication.

Research Study

Formulation of Evidence-Based and Actionable Dietary Advice for Pregnant and Lactating Women in Rajasthan

A study by the Indian Institute of Health Management Research University, Jaipur, on the gaps in the diet of pregnant and lactating women compared to WHO’s recommendations. It also suggests measures to address these gaps using locally available, affordable foods.


Social & Behaviour Change for Nutrition: A Toolkit to Design Effective SBCC Strategies

This toolkit intends to help stakeholders design and implement effective Social & Behaviour Change Communication interventions to achieve the desired behaviour change and nutrition outcomes in targeted groups.

Research Study

Eat More, Eat Better

The study, commissioned by Children's Investment Fund Foundation and conducted by Sight and Life, shares insights on the food access and eating habits of pregnant women and new mothers

Strategy Document

RajPusht: Insights and Communication Strategy

The document presents insights on dietary behaviours among pregnant women and new mothers in Rajasthan and how these inform RajPusht's Social &Behaviour Change Communication strategy

Photo Album

Transforming Anganwadis with a Splash of Colours

In 2020, RajPusht painted walls of Anganwadi Centres and posters with information on nutrition in community spaces in Udaipur district. The photo album presents the paintings, posters and people's reactions to the initiative.