गर्भवती महिलाओं एवं बच्चों के पोषण की ज़िम्मेदारी पूरे समाज की साझा ज़िम्मेदारी है: ममता भूपेश

Minister- Women & Child Development, Rajasthan, Ms Mamta Bhupesh, addressed the media on the collective responsibility of raising children. During the event, she felicitated Mr Mame Khan, a renowned folk singer who sang the "Zimmedari" Anthem for POSHAN Maah 2020.

Zimmedari Campaign was launched as part of the Poshan Maah 2020 celebrations. 3 animated videos, a Poshan anthem and 3 recipe booklets were released by the Department of Women & Child Development, Rajasthan during the inauguration ceremony for Poshan Maah.

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